Pennsylvania Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Political Action Committee
Support YOUR profession and the success of nutrition policies and legislation in Pennsylvania with a donation to the Pennsylvania Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Political Action Committee (PAC) today! Your donation helps support state legislators who are pro-nutrition, food, and health.
Your contribution can make a significant impact on the policies that directly affect dietitians and those we serve across the state. It’s easy to get involved.
There are several ways to donate to PANDPAC.
- Online:
- Cash or Check: Donate in-person at your next district meeting or PAND sponsored event (see below for mailing address)
- Attend the PANDPAC Paint Party at Brick and Brew Tavern on Thursday, March 27th 7-9pm after the member event; $45pp (Buy tickets here)
- Or buy a bottle of wine during AME at PANDPAC's Wine Pull 2025. Visit the PANDPAC table for details.
Note: All proceeds collected will be donated to the Pennsylvania Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Political Action Committee; all donations are voluntary and are not tax deductible.
Donate via PayPal
Each and every donation is critical to the promotion and success of nutrition policies in Pennsylvania; your contribution makes a significant difference and is greatly appreciated!
Meet the PANDPAC Board:
Trustees (district representation):
- Andrea M. Barnes, MSCN, RD, LDN, FAND, ACRPM (LVAND)
- Beth Chiodo, MS, RD, LDN, CHWC (Philly AND)
- Karen Kruza, MPH, RDN, LDN (Philly AND)
- Martine Scannavino, DHSc, RDN, LDN, FAND (LVDA)
- Janel Zeigler, MS, RD, LDN (Central)
If you have an interest in serving on the PANDPAC Committee, please contact the Chairperson by email at
What is a PAC?
PANDPAC is the political action committee for the Pennsylvania Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The PAC is made up of RDN professionals that represent different regions of Pennsylvania. We channel contributions to election campaigns of political candidates and political committees who have demonstrated interest and understanding in the views and goals of the committee and the Academy.
Why donate to the PANDPAC?
Your support of PANDPAC helps to connect us with Pennsylvania members of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, providing us with the opportunity to advocate for our patients and nutrition related policies, such as the Dietitian Nutritionist Bill.
Can I mail a check donation?
Absolutely! If you prefer writing a check, make payable to PANDPAC and mail it to:
PANDPAC c/o Milliron Goodman, LLC
200 North Third St., Suite 1500
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Note: If the donation is between $50.01-$250 please include your name and home address. Any donation above $250 must additionally include your employer and employer’s address.
Thank you to our Current PANDPAC contributors!
For questions or information regarding the PANDPAC, please contact: PANDPAC Chair at