How to Get Started Building Your Own Website

February 4th, 2017

by Andrew Wade, MS, RDN, LDN

Your product or service is the solution to a huge problem. You need a centralized location for prospective clients to find you. In modern business practice, often times a website precedes a brick and mortar structure. When you decide it is time to start a website, there are a couple key things to consider along the way.

Step 1: Select a web domain (web address), hosting group, and developer to build the site.

The distinction between the two is significant, though many web producers will consider themselves both. Finding someone who does both is relatively easy, but it helps to understand the difference. The development of the site is the backend functionality. For sites with complex needs it helps to have someone with a development background. The designer is more focused on the aesthetics of the page. For most Dietitians, someone with a strong design sense will be advantageous, after all your website is the literal face of your business. There are many web developing companies that boast superior services, and of course these come at a cost. Most local website developments will cost between $2,000 and $3,000. This can be largely reduced using freelancers through products such as Upwork. Both of my websites were built and are maintained using a freelance designer hired and managed through Upwork. It is a third party group that connects customers and freelancers, mediates the contract, monitors progress, and settles payment once the task is complete. It also provides the users a forum and communication portal to discuss projects and manage tasks. This can be a huge asset, and lead to a great reduction in cost.

Step 2 Build Build Build!

It helps to outline this ahead of time. True outline format is actually beneficial.

  •             What do you want your website to say?
  •             What do you want your clients to see first?
  •             What do you want your clients to find while searching?

For all products and services, the goals of a website are to intercept, interact, educate, and advertise. These 4 points are what you need to consider when deciding what to put on your website.

  • Intercept: how do you want them to find and contact you?
  • Interact: Is a forum, community chat relevant? How do you wish to communicate? Newsletters, email contact forms, social media are all good options.
  • Educate: What does your client base need to know about you or your service? Are there tools, topics or resources you want to direct people to?
  • Advertise: This is the face of our business after all! What do you want from them? Is their web presence the goal, or are you pitching a product or service? This is your media to make that clear.

Take this content and discuss with your developer. It is their job to help you display this content. Don’t forget pictures, logos, and color schemes you prefer. Another thing to keep in mind is websites are easy to update, and good websites constantly change, so don’t worry if you continue to make additions and adjustments along the way. Happy building!  

Andrew Wade, MS, RDN, LDN owner of A.M. Wade Nutrition Group LLC, Case Specific Nutrition, Please take a moment to “Like” Case Specific Nutrition on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


Posted by: Clancy Harrison

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