Egg-cellent Tips for Easter

April 17th, 2019

by Kimberly Wolf, RD

The Easter holiday traditionally involves family, egg hunts, and Easter basket goodies. Keeping balanced and staying mindful will keep your healthy habits on point. Here are some healthy Easter tips to enjoy the day:

Plan for physical activity
Making time for a workout is a great habit any day of the week. It’s recommended to participate in enjoyable activities so exercising does not feel like a chore. This Easter, make your workout a family affair. Plan a family outing such as an outdoor walk, organize an adults vs kids soccer game, or make an egg scavenger hunt that includes the whole backyard. Make your steps count by creating the course or walking with little ones to help them find their eggs.

Channel your inner Easter bunny
As a dietitian, I’ve heard the term “rabbit food” plenty of times. Jokes aside, be sure to include some dark leafy greens, or any colorful produce, this holiday. One of my favorite tips is volunteering to bring a vegetable-based side to any party I attend. This way you are guaranteed to have a nutrient-rich item at the meal.

Rethink the Easter basket
Easter would not be complete without the Easter Basket! Instead of making a completely sugary basket, include toys, dyed eggs, and crafts. This variety will keep the kids excited and entertained with lots of fun among a few treats. I’m including a microgreens garden kit (I assembled) in my niece’s basket. This is a fun craft where she can build her homemade sprouts and harvest them in 7-21 days.

Include the Eggs
Glitter, tie-dye, and color wraps are all fun ways to dress up your Easter eggs. Consume your colorful hard-boiled eggs throughout the week (keep the stored in the refrigerator.) Eggs are an easy grab-and-go item for breakfast or snack. They contain protein, vitamin D, and choline and they are quick & easy.

Focus on Fun – Like any holiday, it’s about creating memories with the ones you love. Now that the spring weather has joined us, get outdoors and focus on your family, sunshine, and love. Make this a memorable holiday and plan ahead with a few tips to
keep stress low!


Kimberly Wolf RD, LDN, CDE is a Registered Dietitian working as the outpatient MNT manager for Sodexo. She is currently pursuing her Master’s degree but in her free time enjoys exercising, cooking, and curling. Connect with her on Instagram at @dietitiankimberly.

Posted by: Deanna Segrave-Daly

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