We are now heading into the summer season here in Pennsylvania. I hope everyone is taking some time to enjoy the warm weather! This month’s Research Spotlight comes from a dietetic student, Lynzi Smith, at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP). Read below to find out more about what Lynzi is doing in the nutrition field, […]
Food Safety During Picnic Season
Food Safety During Picnic Season By: Helen Agresti RD, founder of Professional Nutrition Consulting, LLC Enjoying picnics and barbecues with family and friends is the epitome of summer. Don’t let unsanitary conditions spoil your picnic. One in six Americans contract a foodborne illness each year, reports the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). […]
Nutrition for Fitness: Fueling Summer Training
by Kelly Jones, MS, RD, CSSD, LDN While everyone sees messaging for better nutrition and increased activity levels, often individuals do not know how to support fitness with diet, or even that it is something they should think about. In the summer, the importance of nutrition to support physical activity is even more important as […]
5 Herbs for Every Kitchen
By Judy Matusky, RDN, LDN Fresh herbs add that special something to a recipe. They elevate simple dishes. They add brightness and interest, infusing dishes with the fresh summer flavors. Simple dishes like peas and onions with freshly snipped dill or roasted potatoes with earthy rosemary become dinner party worthy. Herbs are easy to grow. If […]
40 Recipes To Help You Eat More Fruit & Veggies
By Jennifer Lynn-Pullman MA, CSOWM, RDN, LDN June is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month. I find in my practice that most people (me included) don’t eat enough fresh fruit and veggies. One of the easiest ways to eat more fruit and vegetables is to add both to your meals. I asked dietitians from […]
Connect with Your Local District: Spotlight on Northwest
By Terri Will, MBA, RDN, LDN The Northwest Pennsylvania Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (NWPAND) has 55 members living in 17 counties including Erie, Crawford, Mercer, Lawrence, Venango, Butler, Warren, Forest, Clarion, Armstrong, McKean, Elk, Jefferson, Indiana, Potter, Cameron, and Clearfield counties. One of our greatest challenges is getting members together across all 17 counties. […]
The Blood Type Diet: Fact or Fiction?
By Zachari Breeding, MS, RDN, LDN, FAND The Diet based on the ABO blood group system has been around for over 20 years, and popularity has not decreased. This diet advises people to eat according to their ABO blood type, claiming to improve health and decrease risk of chronic disease such as cardiovascular disease and […]
Your Diet Does Make a Difference: Take the DASH Diet Challenge
by Rosanne Rust, MS, RDN, LDN May is High Blood Pressure Month. If you have hypertension (high blood pressure), I encourage you to adopt the DASH Diet lifestyle. DASH Diet has been shown to lower blood pressure, and is also linked to better brain health, good diabetes control, less depression, and weight control. While you may need medication to treat your hypertension, you may […]
Food Allergy Awareness and Nutrition Connections
by Kelly Jones, MS, RD, CSSD, LDN May is not only when the weather really perks up and we gather to celebrate Moms, grads and just the arrival of warm weather! It’s also Food Allergy Awareness Month as well as Celiac Awareness Month. Both are on the rise, which means it’s important for parents, teachers […]
PAND Research Corner: Sina D’Amico
By Alissa Smethers, MS, RD, LCN and PAND Media Team Member I hope everyone is enjoying the warmer weather! The school year is winding down, and summer is on the horizon. This Research Corner Spotlight comes from one of our dietetic students, Sina D’Amico from The Pennsylvania State University. Let’s hear more from Sina and […]