What Membership Benefits Are you Missing Out On?

June 25th, 2017

It’s never too late to join the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics with the best benefit being the PAND membership.  We welcome you in joining approximately 3,700 nutrition and dietetics professionals in Pennsylvania who are choosing to be actively engaged in moving our profession forward!

Recently our PAND members received the following letter from our President Shawnee Kelly MS, RDN, LDN outlining all the benefits PAND has to offer. Your membership is what you make it!

We offer our members a variety of membership benefits, including:

  • A monthly e-newsletter with professional updates and information on statewide and local events. Stay “in the know” about the most important happenings that affect our profession, including issues being discussed by the House of Delegates; hot topics in public policy, licensure, and reimbursement; spotlights on member accomplishments; and information about upcoming continuing education and networking opportunities.
  • Discounted rates to our Annual Meeting & Exhibition (AME).
  • Eligibility for scholarships and awards–we offer over a dozen opportunities for scholarships and awards each year.
  • Access to the PA Academy website (includes member directory), listserv, EatrightPA Blog, and social media. Connect with your fellow professionals one-to-one via the member directory, to the group via the Listserv, or join the discussion of current topics on social media. Tag our social media accounts anytime to show what you are up to professionally and to help show the public what we do!

PA Academy has a variety of opportunities for you to get involved on a deeper level, whether it be with the board of directors, engaging in public policy, or helping to organize AME.

  • Access to district membership. We are proud to support six local district associations where you benefit on the local level with networking, educational opportunities, and scholarships and awards. To find out to which district you could belong, and for information on how to join, please visit: https://eatrightpa.org/members/districts/

If you would like to learn more about any of these benefits, or to get involved, please email contact@eatrightpa.org

Thank you, and many wishes for a great year!


Shawnee M. Kelly, MS, RDN, LDN

President, Pennsylvania Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Posted by: Julie Stefanski

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